Australian Jamboree
Amazing Australian Jamboree
Chief Director Pieter Van Der Kamp said AJ2013 was filled with excitement, challenges and the fun of meeting new friends. Though the days were long but all in all there was a smile on everyone’s face everyday.
Chief Commissioner of Scouts Queensland and AJ2013 Camp Chief Kirsty Brown shared “this Jamboree has been a success in so many ways and if it weren't for those that gave up their time to be with all those tremendous kids this would never happen. Three years of planning all comes down to two weeks of amazing fun and joy. If every Scout and Leader goes home with at least two magical moments then our job as leaders and organizers have been achieved.”
Part of the overseas Scouts and leaders who had the great time at the Jamboree were the Indonesian contingent, the seven Scouts and one leader from Timor Leste and two Scouts from Papua New Guinea who even had a full dental check from the Logan Region of Queensland Health.
Dr Paul Rollason, Queensland Branch Commissioner International and Dentist within the Jamboree medical centre said, “These Scouts have no dental facilities within their local community and it is of great benefit that they can have access to these fantastic facilities while at Jamboree”.
The closing ceremony went off with a bang as Justice Crew, fire dancers and the Brisbane Gang Show wowed the crowd with their performances. Mayor of Fraser Coast Regional Council Gerrard O'Connell declared AJ2013 closed with a beautiful display of fireworks.
The next 24th Australian Scout Jamboree will be in 2016 in Sydney.