Empowering Young Adults - Ebook
Guidelines for the Rover Scout Section
This is a document with guidelines and ideas for programme developers on how to develop and implement the Rover Scout Programme within the Rover Scout section. Rover Scouting is the learning environment that Scouting offers to those who follow the last part of the "path" leading to the adult life. It's the final stage of Scouting's "educational offer". This document has been developed in the framework of the Strategic priorities “Youth Involvement” and “Adolescents”.
As any Youth Programme in Scouting the Rover Scout Programme is the totality of: the reasonwhy it is done (the purpose and aims), how it is done (through the Scout Method) and whatyoung adults do in the Rover Scout Section (the activities). These Rover Scout Guidelines are divided in three main sections: Why, How and What.
In the chapters of these guidelines the different elements of the “ Why” (purpose and aims), the “ How” (Scout Method) and the “ What” (activities) are adapted to the Rover Scout Programme, as follows:
Section 1 - “WHY”
- Chapter 1 - Purpose and aims of the Rover Scout Section. Providing young adults with opportunities to undertake their personal development through the six areas of growth. Helping the transition from adolescence to adulthood.
- Chapter 2 - Who are the Rover Scouts: Characteristics and needs of young adults.The Rover Scout Programme must be based on the characteristics and needs of young adults and the fundamental elements of Scouting. Each association must find the most suitable method to take in consideration the characteristics of their own young people when building the Rover Scout programme.
Section 2 - “HOW”
- Chapter 3 - Law and Promise. A conscious commitment to the way the Rover Scout chooses to live his/her life, according to a value system proposed by the Scout Law, and a promise to do his/her best to achieve that.
- Chapter 4 – Learning by doing. Learning by doing reflects Scouting’s active approach to education. This includes the many different experiences young adults have as members of the Rover Scout community: learning from the roles they play, the responsibilities they have as well as the activities they choose and realize.
- Chapter 5 - Team system. The Team System is more than a structure; it is another educational opportunity provided by Scouting. It allows insights into group dynamics, leadership, and participation. Adults take on the role of advisors and facilitators.
- Chapter 6 - Symbolic Framework. The concept of the ’road‘, the ’route‘, the ‘journey’ is often used to illustrate Rover Scouting. Rover Scouting is a journey towards adulthood. The symbolic framework highlights mobility and the new things that we discover when moving from one place to another; it matches with the natural desire of young adults to travel, to discover new realities and perspectives and meet new people.
- Chapter 7 - Nature. Nature provides the perfect setting for a considerable number of Rover Scout activities: it challenges our abilities, gives us the opportunity to consider respect for and protection of the environment; it enables to develop physical skills or an adventurous spirit and to enjoy the experience of the spiritual dimension.
- Chapter 8 - Educational objectives and personal progression. The progressive scheme values the acquisition of skills and knowledge, which will facilitate direct access to adult roles and the acceptance of responsibility in society. It is a way of measuring the stage of personal development (towards the agreed educational objectives) and of acknowledging the “tools” each one has acquired to help them to deal with the challenges they will face.
- Chapter 9 - Adult Support. Adult support and the relationship between Rovers Scouts and their leaders is an important part of Scouting. Adults in the Rover Scout section are facilitators or advisors. They help Rover Scouts to live meaningful experiences that contribute to their full development, walking with them rather than pushing or pulling.
Section 3 - “WHAT”
- Chapter 10 - Activities in the Rover Scout section. Activities provide fun, adventure and challenges for young adults, leading to the development of skills for life. The activities in the Rover Scout section put special focus on active travelling and multicultural experiences, adventures in the wilderness, community service, and social and economic integration.