To gain this award, the young person must complete the following requirements:
  1. Identify a partner and a project or activity that relates to the faith area.
  2. Together with those involved, set objectives for what you wish to achieve and plan the project.
  3. Take part and successfully complete the joint activity.
  4. Assess the benefits to those involved.
  5. Award the Partnership Award to those Members taking part.

Time requirement

There is no set time requirement associated with the award. Project Leaders should work with partners to establish a realistic timetable bearing in mind the ages and availability of the sections or partners involved.
Leaders should be guided by the principle that young people should make a significant time contribution, while experiencing new and challenging personal development opportunities, as is appropriate to their age and availability.
For example, Beaver Scouts might undertake one hour per week for four weeks at their Colony meeting, with a two-hour project one Saturday. However, Explorer Scouts or Scout Network Members might contribute 32 hours over the course of two weekends within the same project.

Example activities

  • Scout Troop builds links with the local Sikh community culminating in a Scout's Own and campfire.
  • A Jewish Cub Scout Pack pairs with a Chinese community youth group for a special festival, in each culture eg Jewish New Year and Lunar New Year. Together they prepare their place of worship, make decorations for homes and explore the stories of each tradition.
  • A Catholic Scout Group works with their Parish team to organise a series of special youth liturgies during Holy Week.
  • A Scout Group participates fully in the local Parish's harvest festival and distributes the produce after the service to those in need.
  • A Muslim Scout Troop shares details about one of its festivals and an Open Scout Troop illustrates how it celebrates a variety of festivals with its members.