Complete activities from three of the following six areas:

Area 1 - Performing

Take part in a performance in front of an audience.
Some examples: a short play, a series of sketches, performing magic tricks, singing, playing a musical instrument, a Scout Show, a dance or a puppet show.

Area 2 - Crafts

Have a go at some creative crafts.
Some examples: glass painting, macramé, art-straws, leatherwork, photography, sweet making, decorative knotting or candle making.

Area 3 - Promotions

Promote local Scouting.
Some examples: a newsletter, a poster, a video, a website, an audio-based broadcast or a display.

Area 4 - Problem solving

Take an active part in activities requiring a number of problem-solving skills, effective teamwork and creative thinking.
Some examples: incident hikes or timed challenges- mental, physical or skill.

Area 5 - Construction

Construct a model.
Some examples: a model aircraft, a 3D jigsaw, a model pioneering project or a model campsite.

Area 6 - Worship

Take a leading role in preparing and participating in an Act of Worship or Scouts' Own.
Some examples: selecting or writing prayers or music. This could be at a Troop meeting, residential experience or event.