Scouting’s approach is person-centered in the sense that:
- Scouting accepts each young person as he or she is - a unique human being with his or her own personal background and experience of life thus far, variations in needs, capacities, interests and pace of development.
It recognises the uniqueness of each person through:
- respecting each person’s free will to decide to join Scouting or not.
- proposing a framework of self-education (i.e. as Baden-Powell described it: “education from within”, as opposed to “instruction from without”).
- inviting each young person to develop to the best of that person’s ability (“doing one’s best”). There is therefore no comparison of achievement between young people;
- the flexibility of Scouting’s educational system which enables each young person to develop in the way which is most relevant to him or her through:
1.translating the general educational objectives proposed for the age section into a set of personalised objectives, with help from the adult leader;
2. progressing through pursuing his or her interests and exploring his or her concerns;
3. developing at his or her own pace. The approach takes into account that development does not take place at the same pace in each dimension, nor does it take place in a constant surge forward. There are no absolute deadlines.
2. progressing through pursuing his or her interests and exploring his or her concerns;
3. developing at his or her own pace. The approach takes into account that development does not take place at the same pace in each dimension, nor does it take place in a constant surge forward. There are no absolute deadlines.
Scouting’s approach is also person-centred in the sense that it seeks to help each young person to develop his or her whole self through:
1.Educational objectives which cover knowledge, skills and attitudes in each of the dimensions of the human personality.
2.A multi-faceted method which emphasises personal experience (as opposed to, for example, just intellectual understanding).
3.Many, varied opportunities for experiences, spread over time, likely to contribute to a young person’s development.