Scouting’s approach is community-related in the sense that:
- The very goals that it pursues, i.e. to help young people to live and develop as ever more autonomous, supportive, responsible and committed individuals are necessary for the long term development of society.
- It seeks to help each young person to recognise him or herself as a part of a whole, i.e. the world in which he or she lives. It does so through.
- - emphasising the development of constructive relationships with others - young people and adults - based on mutual respect.
- - offering young people the experience of a micro-society, based on a democratic way of life, taking into account the needs and interests of all.
- - promoting a sense of belonging in young people - to their Scout unit and to their local,national and international community.
- - offering varied opportunities for young people to interact with, and make a meaningful contribution to, the world of which they are a part (local, national and international community, natural, cultural and spiritual environment,etc.).
- - helping young people to adapt constructively to changes in society and to cope effectively with issues that they face or are likely to face.