12th World Scout Jamboree

With its theme For Friendship, the 12th World Jamboree attracted 12,011 Scouts from 105 countries. The latter included Scouts from Somalia,[1] and 1,300 representatives from the United Kingdom, the largest scouting contingent from outside North America. For the British Scouts, dressed in their new uniforms, it was a highlight to their Diamond Jubilee Year.
Amongst the distinguished visitors were World Chief Guide Olave Baden-Powell and Vice President of the United States,Hubert H. Humphrey. Memorable features of the Jamboree included a reconstruction of Baden-Powell's Brownsea Islandcampsite, arena shows, Skill-o-Rama, adventure trail, the specially stocked fishing area and boating and other water activities on Lake Pend Oreille, in addition to a visit to a rodeo and a repeat of the Friendship Wide Game introduced at the11th World Scout Jamboree in 1963.