"Who Turned Out the Lights?"
Equipment: Various Items, Plastic Bottles
The players are divided into teams. Give each team the same type and number of objects. Allocate each team a lane down the length of the hall across which they must lay out the obstacles. You could mark these lanes with chairs if you wished. When the teams have completed their task, line them up at one end of the hall and then get them to swap lanes with one of the other teams. This way if they have made the obstacle too easy then they will give this advantage away to another team. After allowing them a minute or two to look at the lane they are in, turn out the light and get them to walk down the lane to the other end. At the finish end of the hall, one of the leaders could flash a torch on and off at random to give them a bearing. Points are deducted from each team for the number of obstacles they have knocked over. The highest scoring team wins